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Au Pair Diary : Day 1

Updated: Jun 4, 2020

Why would you want to become an Au Pair?

In the Summer of 2019, after my graduation from university and still feeling a little lost and confused about where I wanted to go in life, I finally decided that I would become an Au Pair. My expectations were that I could spend two months in a country that I love getting paid to be a baby sitter while getting a decent tan too.

As the white automated doors at the airport arrivals swung open, I was immediately blinded by the light shining through the glass windows from the summer sun over Marseille. The air was significantly warmer than in the UK, but not in the slightest bit uncomfortable. My eyes adjusted and the first face I found was a small brown eyed girl looking up at me. Happy, but too shy to smile. I stopped as her grandmother leaned down and whispered in her ear « C'est elle? ». She nodded and finally grinned. I smiled back and welcomed a timid hug, like I was holding a little mouse against me. After the introductions were over, we headed out into the heat and to the car, all while the little girl stayed silent except for offering to carry my suitcase that was double her size. I don't blame her for being shy given that we had never met in person before and had only video called twice. Admittedly, I wasn't much better. I did not have much experience one on one with children. A little tip - asking them what they think about Brexit is not a good start.

Eventually, tortured by the awkward silence, I resorted to my favourite topic. Her face lit up as soon as I showed her the pictures of my dogs that I had on my phone.

« Aww trop mignon. Tu as d'autres photos? Mamie, regarde les chiens de Chloe. Je veux les voir. Papi, as tu une photo de mon chien sur ton portable pour montrer à Chloe? »

She showed me a photo of her dog too which made us both very giggly and eager to get to the house and see her. Moral of the story : If in doubt, talk about dogs.

Now, I see that my expectations were selfish and naive. The reality couldn't have been more different. The first face I saw when I arrived in Marseille was my Au Pair child. Now, I see my little sister, ma petite sœur.

I hope that in revisiting all of the precious memories our little bilingual family created and by reflecting on the benefits and the challenges from my Au Pair experience, hopefully, you may stop and ask yourself : Why wouldn't you want to become an Au Pair?

Carrey - le - Rouet, France.

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Jun 04, 2020

If in doubt talk about dogs - I love that!

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